
User can track Credit available, file uploads, autoresponders active & payment recieved total.

Package List
All the packages list will appear here with their details like Name,Credit, Price etc.

Create Packages

Create package here by providing Name, Credit, Price

Buy Credits

Choose pricing plans for additional credits.

Payment Method

Choose your payment method to pay.

Finished List

User can check the updated and finished lists here.

Auto Responders Select

Choose your auto responders and responders list to send all clean emails to it.

Email Cleaning Details

Get detailed report of the cleaned email list here. where-

User List

You can edit or delete, update user profile and update credit points.

Payment History

Get user payment history here.

Auto Responders

Configure your auto responders here.

Payment Gateway

Get your API keys from your payment gateway's API settings

SMTP Setting

Configures SMTP settings for seamless email communication within the YOHRM system.

Please follow for AWS: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/ses-create-smtp-credentials